49th National Athletic Directors Show

Conference App

For the sixth year, the NFHS and the NIAAA are providing a conference app for attendees to download and use during the 2018 National Athletic Directors Conference.

What are the advantages of purchasing a sponsor page or promoted posts through the app for our company?

  • Opportunity to put your company’s information in the palm of the athletic administrator’s hand at a discounted cost
  • Advertising directly to athletic administrators, the key decision-makers for interscholastic athletic programs, events, equipment needs and facility purchases.
  • Visibility of your company to athletic administrators through sponsorship of promoted posts.
  • Visibility of your company at the only conference and show that is exclusive to athletic administrators and interscholastic athletics.

How do I get our company’s information in front of athletic administrators?

Purchase a sponsor page and promoted post.

What does the sponsor page include?

Your company logo, a link to your company’s website, links to your company’s social networks, a 250-character description of your company and a contact phone number.

App Sponsor Page – $200
App Promoted Post – $250
Combo Post & Sponsor Page – $400

The app will be available through the Apple Store and Android Play Store, and is compatible for all devices.

How To Purchase:
To purchase a sponsor page, promoted post or combo post and sponsor page, contact Sherrice Dubose at 317-587-1450 Ext. 3 or or sdubose@niaaa.org