48th National Athletic Directors Show

NIAAA: Interscholastic Athletic Administration Magazine

The IAA is the perfect vehicle for advertising your participation in the conference. This magazine is published quarterly and is for high school and middle school athletic directors and those individuals involved with the conduct and administration of high school athletics. Editorial content is directed toward the total responsibilities for professional management of interscholastic athletic and activities programs. This 64-page professional journal is the official publication of the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA). Digital flip page IAA reaches 300,000 school personnel quarterly.

IAA reaches the decision-makers for school athletic programs.

Hardcopy Circulation: 11,000
Includes more than 10,000 NIAAA members.

                                             Conference Special
Cost: Inside Front Cover .......$1,890 ......$1,750
Cost: Inside Back Cover........$1,760 ......$1,670
Cost: Back Cover ..................$1,920 ......$1,875
Cost: Full Middle Page...........$1,680 ......$1,595
Cost: Full Page......................$1,600 ......$1,520
(Single issue prices)

Ads on 2/3 page or smaller are also available.
Closing date for the Fall issue is August 1.
Closing date for the Winter (Conference) issue is October 1.

For additional information or to request a media kit, contact Sherrice DuBose at the NIAAA, 317-587-1450 Ext. 3, sdubose@niaaa.org.